
A Platform for pre-orders

Celery a platform for presales, GUSH.digital

Online presales may mean,

We could be living in a selling world of guaranteed returns.

Sounds too good to be true, and it isn't for everyone, but the throngs of companies who made serious green (we're talkin' into the millions) have shown us it can be done and this model could hold hope for everyone.


A Platform for pre-orders

is paving the way for merchants to actually sell your product before you have the merchandise on-site or in the warehouse.


1) The option to generate working capital to pay-off credit accounts with manufacturers
2) Test product popularity and hedge analytics before mounting a large scale campaign
3) Build credit a great credit history with manufacturers which usually results in decreased cost per unit (CPU) for future orders
4) Data to increased accuracy for choosing or refining your third party logistics
5) Get a jump on how to enhance supply chain management (SCM)

Maximize Profit

The Platform

There are no start up costs on the Celery platform.
It comes equipped with:

1) Integration with your online store
2) Payment/credit card processor, including delayed processing and chargeback reductions
3) Order tracking
4) Email system
5) You can even decide to charge for the order now or later... (the list goes on)

It's a one-stop presale shop.

Pre-orders may save your patoot if you want to get going with your product sales, if you are new to online sales, have a product you need to scale in manufacture or need to get a grip on the buying preferences of your target demographic.

I can't wait to hear about your success.
Questions if online product presales will work for you,
just ask-
I'm here for you





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